Der Campus Leipzig in der Nähe des Marktplatzes und des Hauptbahnhofs

CEEGS 2023: Meaning and Making of Games

Find the programme here.

CEEGS 2023: Meaning and Making of Games

Find the programme here.

October 19th

08:30 – 09:00

Registration at location in Leipzig

09:00 – 09:30

Room: 214

Opening remarks by Anna-Luisa Stöber (Dean), Christian Milster (Campus Director, Leipzig), Gerald Farca (Head of Games), Jaroslav Švelch (Chair of DiGRA CEE), and Mateus Felczak, (CEEGS Program Committee)

The workshops and Doctoral Consortium are parallel, choose one.

09:30 – 11:00

Room: 214 (Audimax)

Greening Games Education. How to approach environmental issues in video game-related courses?

Organisers: Sonia Fizek (TH Köln), Laura Frings (TH Köln), Andrea Hubert (Charles University), Lukas
Kolek (Charles University)

PART 1: Introduction to the Workshop and Presentation

9:30 “Greening Games” Team: Introducing the project and sharing aspects from the “Greening Games Education” report

Sonia Fizek Making, Researching and Teaching: Insights from the Greening Games Education Report

Laura Frings What Might: Eco-Critical Teaching and its Potential for Application in CG Projects

Andrea Hubert Lessons Learned: Teaching Green Game Production and Development

10:30 Roundtable discussion 1

09:30 – 11:00

Room 213

Welcome to Arstotzka! The Ludic ‘Other Europe’ Under Western Eyes

Organisers: Tomasz Z. Majkowski, Aleksandra Prokopek, Magdalena Kozyra

9:30 „Opening Remarks“: Magda, Aleks and Tomasz

9:40 Mateusz Felczak In the Disfigured Land of Peaceful Peasants and Patriotic Mecha Hussars: Nature and Social Conflict in the Iron Harvest’s Alternative History

10:00 Karol Popow (Online Only) Harvest, mechs and the Great War — a ludotextual analysis of the European counterfactual storyworld in the Scythe board game 1920+ universe

10:20 Klara Sterczewska Ukrainian Fremen and Russian Harkonnen: Russian Invasion of Ukraine in American Wargames

10:40 Szymon Kukulak Uncertain Allies and Paper Democracies. The Post-1989 Eastern Europe in Command & Conquer Tiberian Universe

11:00 Discussion

09:30 – 11:00

Room 212

Gaming and Neurodiversity

Organiser: Mikhail Fiadotau and Marie-Luise Meier

Part 1

09:30 Welcome and introduction

09:40 Lisanne Meinen Play beyond fun: neurodiversity as bridging concept

10:00 Cenk Koknar, Jon Stone TL;DR narrative system: Using different language modes to increase the accessibility of story-rich video games for people with dyslexia

10:20 Marie-Luise Meier (Online Only) Cozy games and neurodiversity

10:40 Discussion

09:30 – 11:00

Room 216

Video games, history and museums: Challenges and opportunities for collaborative game development

Organisers: Amelia Williams, Lukaš Kolek, Fernanda Flores

Part I

9:30 Project + Workshop Introduction (Organisers)

9:45 Lukas Kolek (Charles Games) Case study how to develop a video game together with a museum

10:20 „Panel discussion“ (Partially Online) – Fernanda Flores (War Childhood Museum), Michal Mochocki
(Kazimierz Wielki University), Lukas Kolek (Charles Games). Moderated by Amelia
Williams (Trilateral Research)

09:30 – 11:00

Room 208

Doctoral Consortium begins at 11:30

11:00 – 11:30

It’s time for a coffee and snacks break!

Take the time to get to know each other, exchange knowledge and refuel before we continue with the workshops and Doctoral Consortium.

11:30 – 12:30

Room: 214 (Audimax)

Greening Games Education. How to approach environmental issues in video game-related courses?

PART 2: Presentations

11:30 Conor McKeown (University of Stirling, Scotland) (Online Only)
Asserting the Importance of Recent Technological Innovations for Defining Environmentally
Sound Game Design and Play

11:45 Sebastian Möring (Macromedia University, Germany)
Toxic Landscapes in Computer Games – In-Game Photography as a Means of Ecological
Game Analysis

12:00 Gerald Farca (Macromedia University, Germany)
Regenerative Play in the Classroom: a Method to talk about Ecogames

12:15 Annakaisa Kultima (Aalto University, Finland) (Online Only)

11:30 – 12:30

Room: 213

Welcome to Arstotzka! The Ludic ‘Other Europe’ Under Western Eyes

Organisers: Tomasz Z. Majkowski, Aleksandra Prokopek, Magdalena Kozyra

11:40 Maksim Podvalnyi Hotel Transylvania: gamified Eastern Europe as a tourist destination

12:00 Agata Zarzycka From Dracula to Tzimisce: A Biopolitics of Vampire Tourism

12:20 Štěpán Šanda Eidos Montreal’s game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2016) is set in 2029

12:40 Jaroslav Švelch Looking for Killswitch: Exploring the Western imaginary of Soviet bloc games

13:00 Magda, Aleks and Tomasz „Discussion and Closing Observations“

11:30 – 12:30

Room: 212

Gaming and Neurodiversity

Organiser: Mikhail Fiadotau and Marie-Luise Meier

Part 2

11:30 Markus Spöhrer (Online Only) Representing and playing autistic characters in video games

11:50 Kübra Oğurtanı, Esra Bulut Flow on the spectrum: A netnographic research on Steam platform

12:10 Mikhail Fiadotau The anxious wolf, the inattentive dinosaur: Reflecting on the neurodivergent experience through procedural rhetoric

12:30 Discussion

11:30 – 12:30

Room: 216

Video games, history and museums: Challenges and opportunities for collaborative game development

Organisers: Amelia Williams, Lukaš Kolek, Fernanda Flores

Part 2

11:30 Panel Discussion 2 – Ondřej Trhoň (Charles Games), Amelia Williams (Trilateral
Research), Fernanda Flores (War Childhood Museum), moderated by Lukáš
Kolek (Charles Games)

11:30 – 12:30

Room: 208

Doctoral Consortium

The Eludamos doctoral consortium is organized by Holger Pötzsch (UiT) and Martin Lüthe (FUB).

11:30 Alessandro Franzó
Homemade: Gaming houses as cultural and productive hubs in the eSports ecosystem
Commentators: Martin Látal and Martin Lüthe

12:00 Emma Livesey
Roll for Writing: Creating a place-conscious TTRPG for use as a writing program teaching tool
Commentators: Robin Longobardi Zingarelli and Holger Pötzsch

12:30 – 14:00

It’s time for a lunch break!

You can shop for food in the mall right across the street, or eat in the many diverse restaurants close to the campus.

14:00 – 15:00

Room: 214 (Audimax)

Greening Games Education. How to approach environmental issues in video game-related courses?


14:00 Roundtable discussion & Take-Aways

We will behind the roundtable with a brief impulse talk by
Mikhail Fiadotau (Tallinn University, Estonia), Integrating environmental and cultural sustainability in game design education

14:00 – 15:00

Room: 213

Games Journalism – At the Interlink between Game Studies and the Industry?
Organiser: Pascal Wagner (GamesMarkt)

Games Journalism, like Game Studies, connects with the gaming industry through various means such as ads, interviews, and staff transitions between journalism and game development. This connection raises concerns about conflicts of interest, transparency in advertising, and the separation of editorial and marketing teams.

More info
14:00 – 15:00

Room: 212

Level Design

Organiser: Michael Baur, (Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences)

A workshop on the practical lessons of level design. Short theoretical introduction to level design, with a particular focus on player guidance.
Overview of the professional level design workflow in the video game industry.

Conceptual development and designing of a level for a dungeon crawler on paper.
Discussion and feedback on the results.

14:00 – 15:00

Room: 216

Video games, culture and myth: theoretical and methodological approaches

Antonio José Planells de la Maza, Víctor Manuel Navarro Remesal

14:00 – 15:00

Room: 208

Doctoral Consortium

The Eludamos doctoral consortium is organized by Holger Pötzsch (UiT) and Martin Lüthe (FUB).

14:00 Martin Látal Researching virtual reality technologies as a cultural anthropologist
Commentators: Martin Váňa and Holger Pötzsch

14:30 Robin Longobardi Zingarelli Design practices and transgender agency in video games in independent and mainstream contexts (2005-2022)
Commentators: Emma Livesey and Martin Lüthe

15:00 – 15:30

Coffee break and snacks!

It’s time for a second break before we continue with the parallel sessions.

15:30 – 17:00

Room: 214 (Audimax)

Greening Games Education. How to approach environmental issues in video game-related courses?


15:30 Internal Transnational Meeting of the “Greening Games” Research Team

15:30 – 17:00

Room: 213

Games Journalism – At the Interlink between Game Studies and the Industry?
Organiser: Pascal Wagner (GamesMarkt)

Games Journalism, like Game Studies, connects with the gaming industry through various means such as ads, interviews, and staff transitions between journalism and game development. This connection raises concerns about conflicts of interest, transparency in advertising, and the separation of editorial and marketing teams.

More info
15:30 – 17:00

Room: 212

Level Design

Organiser: Michael Baur, (Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences)

A workshop on the practical lessons of level design. Short theoretical introduction to level design, with a particular focus on player guidance.
Overview of the professional level design workflow in the video game industry.

More info
15:30 – 17:00

Room: 216

Video games, culture and myth: theoretical and methodological approaches

Antonio José Planells de la Maza, Víctor Manuel Navarro Remesal

15:30 – 17:00

Room: 208

Doctoral Consortium

The Eludamos doctoral consortium is organized by Holger Pötzsch (UiT) and Martin Lüthe (FUB).

15:30 Martin Váňa
Authenticity and video games
Commentators: Alessandro Franzó and Holger Pötzsch

16:00 Lars Lindemann Playing through the end times: a mixed method study of ‘critical apocalypses’ in the video game medium

Commentators: Zoheb Mashiur and Martin Lüthe

16:30 Way forward and final remarks

17:30 – 18:00

The last coffee break for this day!

18:00 – 19:30

Room: 214 (Audimax)

Keynote by Jana Stadeler (Playground Games)

The Un-Reality of Video Game Cultures

Talk description will follow shortly!


Evening Location for a get-together!

Join us for food and drinks (self paid) at Noels Ballroom (Irish Pub) at Kurt-Eisner-Straße 43, 04275 Leipzig

More Info:

Noels Ballroom

October 20th

08:30 – 09:00

Registration at location in Leipzig

09:00 – 09:30

Room 214

Brief Opening remarks by Christian Milster (Campus Director, Leipzig), Gerald Farca (Head of Games), Jaroslav Švelch (Chair of DiGRA CEE)

09:10 Kahoot Game Quiz! Be early and join us for a Kahoot game quiz that will test your common knowledge on games, game design, and game studies (created in cooperation between our game students and Gerald).

What you need

9:30 – 11:00

Room 214

Keynote by Víctor Navarro Remesal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Video Games as Animation: Inquiries into the Animatic Nature of Playable Images

Video games are a hybrid media that can be studied from many fronts. They have ludic, machinic, and narrative sides (Mukherjee, 2015) that can sometimes seem at odds in game analysis. However, there is another side that is often overlooked: video games are also animatic works. Our first contact with them is as playable images, a reality that places firmly within visual culture, and by not studying them as such we are cutting some much-needed ties. This makes games belong within the animatic apparatus explored by Cholodenko (2007) and Levitt (2018), an apparatus with its own formal structure, (an)ontology, and impact on our relationship with media. It also has further impacts on different levels, from design to semiotics. This presentation unpacks them in five fronts:

  • 1) history,
  • 2) genealogies,
  • 3) industry and intermediality,
  • 4) ontology and relation to reality, and
  • 5) player experiences.

11:00 – 11:30

It’s time for the first coffee and snacks break for the day.

The sessions are parallel, choose one for each time slot.

11:30 – 13:30

Room 214

Session 1A – Queering the Utopian Spaces

11:30: Eren Ileri
CYBORG ASTRONAUT: Disembodied White Masculinity and the Imagination of Outer Space in Contemporary Video Games

12:00: Sebastian Möring
Towards an Understanding of Computer Games as Media of Care: Analyzing Animal Crossing: New Horizons in Light of the Recent Covid-19 Pandemic

12:30: Rebecca Käpernick
Maternal Representations in the Horizon and The Last of Us series

13:00: Gerald Farca
Farming Games and the Utopian Narrative

11:30 – 13:30

Room 213

Session 1B – Apocalypse Now

11:30: Lars Lindemann
Contemporary manifestations of apocalypse in game and narrative design – Toward a “critical apocalypse”

12:00: Lawrence May
Death Stranding and the ecosystemic zombie

12:30: Krzysztof Czyżak
Between the future and the present – time travel video games and the challenge of post-apocalyptic landscape

13:00 Karol Zaborowski
When Player Bites Back. Ecocritical Thoughts on Playing as a Monster

11:30 – 13:30

Room 212

Session 1C – The Local & The Global

11:30: Sajna Alaimsonvilla and Dr. Suhail Abdul Rub P. (Online Only)
Redesigning Indian Mythology via Games: Raji: An Ancient Epic as an Ingenious Avant-Garde

12:00: Laura Jungblut
Changing the Game: Challenging the Colonial Paradigm through Indigenous Production and Storytelling

12:30: Olga Kalashnikova and Leonid Moyzhes (Partially Online)
Russian digital games made for Russians: The case of Atomic Heart

13:00: Yanchen Zhang (Online Only)
The Sin of Play: The criticisms against the act of play in China

11:30 – 13:30

Room 216

Session 1D – The Mark of the Auteur

11:30: Beatriz Pérez Zapata
Adapting the meaning of Kenji Miyazawa: pacifism, nature, fantasy, and biography in the video game Ihatovo Monogatari

12:00: Filip Jankowski
A chronicle of a certain cooperation: Muriel Tramis, Pierre Gilhodes and auteur theory

12:30: Bodil Stelter
“Neil can do what he wants, even follow an agenda. He is the creator!” – The persona of Neil Druckmann in The Last of Us value-discourse.

13:00: Alessandro Franzò
Homemade: gaming houses as cultural and productive hubs in the eSports ecosystem

13:30 – 15:00

Lunch break time!

You can shop for food in the mall right across the street, or eat in the many diverse restaurants close to the campus.

15:00 – 16:30

Room 214

Session 2A – Mechanical Conundrums, Worlds, and Processes

15:00: Hans-Joachim Backe
Worldbuilding through Mechanics: The Case of Escape from Tarkov

15:30: Olli Tapio Leino
Exploring Computer Games as Process Arts

16:00: Espen Aarseth
Meaning from Mechanics: the problem with ‘procedural rhetoric’

15:00 – 16:30

Room 213

Session 2B – Phenomenology and Ideology

15:00: Ondřej Trhoň
Gacha-interpellation: Genshin Impact and post-phenomenological critique of open-world ideology of the subject

15:30: Alesha Serada (Online Only)
Defining the Genre of a Monster Breeding Simulator

15:00 – 16:30

Room 212

Session 2C – (Re)productivity

15:00: Václav Janoščík (Online Only)
Behavioural Capital: Reproductive gameplay and capitalisation, playful Marx and Battlepass-communism

15:30: Rüdiger Brandis
Liberalism and its Limits in Mafia 2 – “The Working Man is a Sucker, that’s for sure”

16:00: Lars de Wildt
Producing Worldview at Ubisoft Montréal (a political-economic and cultural-sociological study of the Assassin’s Creed franchise’s workers and worldview)

15:00 – 16:30

Room 216

Session 2D – Transgressing the UI Boundaries

15:00: Thomas Hessling
How to make a Dragon roar, or Cross-Cultural Sound Scraping: Sounds and Music as Design Elements in Computer Game Culture

15:30: Andrea Mariucci (Online Only)
Expanding the Game Space: Reflections on the Boundaries of the Interface

16:00: Konrad Augustyniak
Abandon the Hotel! Multimodality in Polish Escape Room Design

16:30 – 17:00

The last coffee break for this day!

17:00 – 18:30

Room 214

Session 3A – Orality, Textuality, Visuality

17:00: Krzysztof Olszamowski
Playing a story or reading a game – Multimodality in the literary experience of ‘Pentiment’

17:30: Małgorzata Majkowska and Tomasz Majkowski.
Play, Goddess! Homeric qualities of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

18:00: Dom Ford
The city, according to city builders: The mythology of city-builder games

17:00 – 18:30

Room 213

Session 3B – Historical Narratives

17:00: Jakub Šindelář and Angus Mol
Playing in their shoes? Historical empathy and digital games

17:30: Michał Mochocki, Jakub Majewski and Paweł Schreiber (Partially Online)
The Heritage Discourses of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Polish Video Games

18:00: Benjamin Dorrington Redder
„From Historical (Game) Form to Historical Gameplay: Establishing the Multimodal Turn of Historical Representation for Game Research and Scholarship“

17:00 – 18:30

Room 212

Session 3C – Aesthetics of Representation

17:00: Anna Kożuch and Krzysztof Mroczek
Horizon: Forbidden Hair, or the portrayal of women in video games: intentions and awareness

17:30: Michele Varini (Online Only)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Suit? Fashion co-production in the new digital environment

18:00: Tereza Krobova
What the Hell Are You Wearing? Strategies of Czech Women Working in the Game Industry to Cope with the Gendered Clothing Norms

17:00 – 18:30

Room 216

Session 3D – Industry Strikes Back

17:00: Jan Houška
Adapt, Experiment, or Improve Within Local and Structural Limits: Labour of Eastern European and Western Game Workers in Czech-based Studios

17:30: Fabrício Fava and Camila Mangueira
Combining critical design and game playing for imagining media

18:00: Jaroslav Svelch
Decentering software: Transmedia strategies in the experimental 1980s game productions by Mel Croucher and Automata UK


Conference Party @Macromedia Campus, 5th floor!

Please join us for the official CEEGS Party with drinks, food, games, and dance! Everything will be provided, we just need you!

October 21st

09:00 – 09:30

Room 214

09:00 Kahoot Game Quiz! Be early and join us for a Kahoot game quiz that will test your common knowledge on games, game design, and game studies (created in cooperation between our game students and Gerald).

All you need to participate is your Mobile Phone and a Internet connection!

9:30 – 11:00

Room 214

Keynote by Charlene Putney (Writer & Experimenter & Co-Founder of

Seeds: 23 ideas for bringing your best work into the world

In this talk, I will offer 23 lessons I’ve learned in my own working life over 20 years as project manager (at Google and Facebook), game writer (at Larian Studios, Die Gute Fabrik, and freelance), and AI startup founder (Write With LAIKA). We’ll look at the practical, the intangible, and the esoteric. Warning: there will be interactive elements, invitations to participate, and a few challenges to bring home too!

11:00 – 11:30

It’s time for a coffee and snacks break!

Some more time to snack, have coffee and talk to each other in real life!

11:30 – 13:00

Room 214

Session 4A – Non-digital Realms

11:30: Hélène Sellier and Gabrielle Lavenir
Research-creation at the crossroad between game production and game research: how do the design of a roguelite deckbuilder and the theoretical inquiry on queer games fuel each other?

12:00: Justyna Janik and Daniel Vella
Designed Fortune: Usages of Tarot Cards in Board, Tabletop and Digital Games

12:30: Jan Švelch
Crunch as a Punchline? Workplace Comedy and Industrial Reflexivity in the TV series Mythic Quest

11:30 – 13:00

Room 213

Session 4B – Intentions and Relations

15:00: Mark Maletska
Video Game Mechanics and Queer Gender Identities: Ongoing Project Overview

12:00: Martin Látal and Karel Vranovský
Notes Towards Immersion in Gaming: The Sensory, the Literary, and the Semiotic

12:30: Johan Kalmanlehto
Playstyle Between Habitual and Skilful Practices

11:30 – 13:00

Room 212

Session 4C – Narrative Boundaries

11:30: Vickie Monthong
“The Recursive Child”: Reimagining Children’s Narratives through the Ludonarrative Design of Puzzle-platformers

12:00: Simon Huber
Squaring Magic Circles: Game Design in terms of cultural techniques.

12:30: cancelled! Damian Gałuszka (Online Only)

13:00 – 14:30

Lunch break time!

You can shop for food in the mall right across the street, or eat in the many diverse restaurants close to the campus.

14:30 – 16:00

Room 214

Session 5A – The Avatar Issues

14:30: Josef Tichý
„A Theme of Love“ – Japanese Take on Affection and Domestic Violence in Silent Hill (1999) and Silent Hill 2 (2001)

15:00: Marta Tymińska
Classification of avatar harm

15:30: Daniel Vella and Justyna Janik
Unpacking Objects: Household Items and Characters in Games

14:30 – 16:00

Room 213

Session 5B – Education & Inspiration

14:30: Michal Mochocki and Yaraslau Kot (Partially Online)
Methods and Tools of Game Writing and Story Design in Professional Manuals 2019-2022

15:00: Ramona Srbecky, Wieland Fraas, Simon-Alexander Wetzel, Michael Winterhagen, Jan Dettmers and Matthias Hemmje
Development and Evaluation of a Simulation for a University Course in Work and Organizational Psychology at a German University

15:30: Diego Andrés Mejía-Alandia (Online Only)
Desiring-machines, Utopia and the ludic representations of Soviet space nostalgia in Little Orpheus and The Great Perhaps

14:30 – 16:00

Room 212

Session 5C – Imaginary Efforts

14:30: Aleksandra Prokopek and Agata Waszkiewicz
Avant-garde Imagery in Arrière-Garde Digital Games

15:00: Emilia Mazur
Animal Presence in Video Games – Creation and Influence

15:30: Shruti Agrawal and Girish Dalvi
Subjective Effort in Games: Understanding Methods and Context

16:00 – 16:30

The last coffee break for this day!

16:30 – 18 Uhr

Room 214

Final remarks, DiGRA CEE general assembly and board elections

Room plan

Room: 214 (Audimax)
Main Stage
Room: 213
Stage 2
Room: 212
Stage 3
Room: 216
Stage 4
Room: 208
Stage 5
Room: 113
Breakout room for (day 1)
Room: 206
Quiet room
Room: 207
Room: 104 Games Lab
Chill area
Room: Kitchen (5th floor)
Catering area
Room: Kitchen (5th floor) + 511
Evening event on October 20th
Room: 204
Media center