Sabrina Trapp hat Psychologie an der Freien Universität Berlin studiert und danach am Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften als Doktorandin und Postdoktorandin gearbeitet. Hierauf folgte ein Forschungsaufenthalt am Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center in Israel sowie Lehre und Forschung an der LMU München als Gastwissenschaftlerin.
Mehr InfosTrapp, S., Pascucci, D. & Chelazzi, L.: Predictive brain: Addressing the level of representation by reviewing perceptual hysteresis.
DetailsTrapp, S. et al.: The predictive brain must have a limitation in short-term memory capacity.
DetailsLi, C., Kovacs, G. & Trapp, S.: Visual short-term memory load modulates repetition related fMRI signal adaptation.
DetailsTrapp, S. et al.: When the rhythm disappears and the mind keeps dancing: sustained effects of attentional entrainment.
DetailsTrapp, S. & Vilares, I.: Bayesian decision-making under stress-preserved weighting of prior and likelihood information.
DetailsBabayan, A. et al.: A mind-brain-body dataset of MRI, EEG, cognition, emotion, and peripheral physiology in young and old adults.
DetailsBraem, S. & Trapp, S.: Humans show a higher preference for stimuli that are predictive relative to those that are predictable.
DetailsTrapp, S. et al.: Integrating predictive frameworks and cognitive models of face perception
DetailsTrapp, S., O’Doherty, J. & Schwabe, L.: Stressful events as teaching signals for the brain.
DetailsTrapp, S. et al.: Neuroimaging results suggest the role of prediction in cross-domain priming.
DetailsTrapp, S.: Autistic traits in the general population do not correlate with a preference for associative information
DetailsTrapp, S.: Commentary: On the joys of perceiving: Affect as feedback for perceptual predictions?
DetailsSchweitzer, R., Trapp, S., & Bar, M.: Associated information increases perceived subjective duration
DetailsTrapp, S. et al.: Prior probability modulates baseline activity in category-specific areas.
DetailsTrapp, S. & Kotz, S.: Predicting affective information – An evaluation of repetition suppression effects
DetailsTrapp, S. et al.: Switching between hands in a serial reaction time task: A comparison between young and old adults
DetailsTrapp, S. et al.: Identifying neural correlates of consciousness with ALE meta-analyses.
DetailsTrapp, S. et al.: Different neural capacity limitations for articulatory and non-articulatory maintenance of verbal information