"Be nice to one another, enjoy your time as a student, look for an interesting topic for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis and: Personality counts more than your grade point average! ;)"
ZIBERT + FRIENDS GmbH, Corporate Strategy and Communications.
As my title suggests, I am responsible for several different tasks. I’m responsible for the marketing of the live communications agency and am also the first point of contact for our CEO for internal strategic developments, integrating the strategic decisions into the company’s work processes and portfolio.
When I finished my internship semester at ZIBERT + FRIENDS in 2012, I quickly realized I wanted to stay there. I became junior project manager when I left university. Since then, I’ve worked in various positions and have been able to build up a very good understanding of the workings of the company. A good dose of people skills combined with the ability to think strategically helped me move into my current position.
No. I really wanted to do something focused on sports and television, like becoming a live sports reporter for the Champions League final.
Of course some professors guided me more than others, but in general, I learned some important things at Macromedia University. Like the ability to organize a team efficiently and in a competence-oriented way; how to analyze clients successfully; make presentations in a compelling way and to work successfully under time pressure.
At ZIBERT + FRIENDS GmbH. It was terrific, otherwise I wouldn’t have stayed!
In the sports and event management course, we were all in very close contact with each other because of the many sporting events. It was a very positive group dynamic, a lot of fun most of the time, and obvisouly tough at times too. Everything you’d expect when a bunch of young, extroverted people with strong characters come together. And that is why it was so enriching and always a pleasure. A lot of us still meet regularly.
The group, the excursions, my “favorite professors”, that indescribably fantastic feeling when the examinations were over and I delivered my Bachelor thesis.
I have grown up with constant change and transformation. I think it defines my generation and enables us to quickly adjust ourselves to new situations and find our way easily within them. We get bored when things stagnate. So “openness to change” is very important to us, within our current and potential employers and within the general working world.
I would like to work abroad for a while and bring my job and family closer together. At the moment I don’t want to work for any other employer, but who knows what will happen in 10 years!