
Explorers wanted: 505 Macromedia Students start their semester abroad

Little by little, the entirety of Macromedia University’s 3rd semester students have been heading off to destinations abroad. A total of 505 of our scholars will spend the coming months at a foreign partner university. Time for discoveries – personally, linguistically, culturally, and last but not least- technically.

The first Macromedia students who left were those spending the semester abroad at universities in Africa and New Zealand. There, lectures start as early as July. Next to leave the nest were our students heading off to universities in the USA, Argentina or Mexico. "The last to start are the partner universities in Europe,” says Tina Blumenberg, Head of the International Office at Macromedia. She goes on to explain that, "The semesters sometimes end [for European universities] in March of the following year."

International Office: close contact to the partner universities

Tina Blumenberg and the staff at the International Office maintain close contact with those responsible at the foreign partner universities. Macromedia now partners with 25 different universities in 19 countries. "We have worked together with many of our contact persons for many years. Especially during the semester abroad, we are in constant exchange. It’s usually the same people who also serve our students on the ground."

Europe Trend: Spanish universities are a top choice

One of the most popular destinations for Macromedia students this year was Spain. "The most popular partner university is the EUSA in Seville with 66 registered Macromedia students. In second place in this year’s Macromedia ranking is the UFV in Madrid," reports Blumenberg. In general, a rising trend of staying at European universities seems to be emerging among students. London has also become very popular. An all-time favorite, however,  among our students is Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, with whom Macromedia has been working for eight years.

We wish our students a healthy, instructive and culturally enlightening semester!

An overview of the network of foreign partner universities can be found here.

(translated by Rosie Hall, Macromedia Student of Media and Communication Management)