
„The Next New Normal“: Macromedia hosts Online-Conference

Working and studying from home, travelling less, becoming friends with people you only met virtually?

Things that seemed farfetched before Covid-19 have become normal for many of us. But how sustainable are the pandemic-induced changes? Are we actually witnessing real changes that could fuel important movements like the fight against climate change?

On December 8th, 2021, Prof. Dr. Udo Bomnüter, Prof. Dr. Martin Lücke, Prof. Dr. Magdalena Taube from the Culture, Media and Psychology Faculty are inviting to the international and interdisciplinary conference „The Next New Normal“ to put a shine on the current discourses and challenges in post-pandemic societies.

Taking on the format of a laboratory they will offer different formats like workshops, lightning talks, panel discussions and networking lounges as a digital experience of interaction. Some of our speakers and workshop moderators are Mercedes Bunz, Max Haiven and Abiol Lual Deng.

They will be discussing topics, such as cybernetics, disinformation, and crisis communication.

The event is supported by the Marketing Club Berlin.

Please visit the conference website for further details and information on participation: www.mmm-berlin.de

Non-Macromedia-Visitors please click HERE for cost-free tickets.

Members of the Macromedia Community may enter the Conference Room on TEAMS directly.

10:00 Welcome by Udo Bomnüter, Martin Lücke, Özlem Roden & Magdalena Taube
10:15 Lecture I by Max Haiven: Disinformation
10:45 Lecture II by Nele Hansen: Crisis Communication
11:15 Break
11:45 Keynote Lecture by Mercedes Bunz: Cybernetics as a Way out of this World
12:15 Input Lecture by Chris Piallat: Digital Values
12:45 Break
13:30 Workshop I by Marketing Club Berlin: Campaigning in a post-covid society?
13:30 Workshop II by Robert Lehniger: Beyond virtual stages?
13:30 Workshop III by Abiol Lual Deng: Social Media and Hate Speech
13:30 Workshop IV Kristin Hahn: Sustainability in Design
15:30 Break
16:00 Presentation & Panel Discussion with Astrid Friese & Magdalena Taube
17:00 Round-up & Farewell
