Master of Arts Masters: Design Management

Explore the World of Design

Creative design is something wonderful. However, the only way to create an appealing product is to successfully bridge the gap between design, marketing, and project management. This is where Design Management plays a key role, and you will discover all of its facets in the Master’s programme at the Macromedia University of Applied Sciences.

Facts about Design Management

Degree recognition

State-recognised and accredited degree

Degree & Specialisation
Master of Arts
Study programme: Design Management
Duration & Credits

4 semesters: 120 ECTS
3 semesters: 90 ECTS

Start date

Summer semester: 15 Mar
Winter semester: 01 Oct

Application deadline

Summer semester: 15 Mar
Winter semester: 01 Oct

Berlin, Munich
Admission requirements

Bachelor’s degree with:
210 ECTS = 3-semester MA
180 ECTS = 4-semester MA

Fees per semester

€ 6,840 • Berlin
€ 5,500 • Munich
+ one-off registration fee

Advantages at Macromedia University

Gefächerte blaue Lamellenstruktur
State-recognised and accredited degree

Degree programmes are accredited and state-recognised, ensuring that you benefit from excellent teaching.

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Renowned partners

Our exclusive partnerships allow you to learn from industry insiders and to establish valuable contacts with potential employers.

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Experienced professors

You will be taught by top-class professors who have a proven track record in both business and academia.

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Design Management modules

Neonsymbol Sterne
Frameworks of design and management

Here you will learn how current trends such as digitalisation, global networking and the demand for sustainability affect design management.

Neonsymbol Bildschirm und Pinsel
Applied HCD & UX principles and methods

Find out why user research forms the basis of the design process and learn more about related disciplines such as user interface design.

Neonsymbol Zielscheibe
Applied design strategy

What role does design management play as an entrepreneurial strategy? How should current developments such as crowdsourcing be assessed? Find out here.

Broad Knowledge, Flexible Options

Your Master’s degree in Design Management provides you with theoretical knowledge, important soft skills, and above all, a lot of practical know-how. You will learn the important role of design management in companies and can convincingly assume this role after graduation – not only in media, but in any industry you’d like to work for.

Through the diverse projects during your studies, you will get a good overview of the various opportunities that are available to you after graduation.

Study locations for Design Management

“In my opinion, it was mainly the practical projects back then that prepared us for today’s working world.”
Marquardt Anna Stella, Freelance media designer, Hamburg
Your direct line to the Student Advisory Service
Patricia Grasmann
Service hours: 
Monday to Friday 09:00 am – 5:00 pm (CET) | Phone numbers are also for WhatsApp

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