Prof. Dr.

Tamara Ranner

Portrait Tamara Ranner

Dr. Tamara Ranner teaches in the Media Management programme (BA & MA). She is an expert in instructional design and as well as digital teaching and learning. She studied “Media and Communication” (B.A. & M.A.) at the University of Augsburg. She worked as a research assistant at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, where she supervised various projects on the use of digital media in educational contexts. In 2015, she completed her doctorate at Zeppelin University in the Department of Media Didactics on the topic of implementing media didactic innovations in practice. After her doctorate, Tamara Ranner worked as Senior Manager E-Learning at Sky Deutschland Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG. Here she was responsible for the introduction and continuous development of digital learning in customer service. At Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, she developed and was responsible for the profile expansion through distance learning study programmes.

Junge Frau in weißer Bluse mit Sonnenbrille Peace

Media Management

To Media Management
Der Campus München in Nymphenburg, mit Blick auf die Marienkirche


To location

Media Faculty

Functions at Macromedia:

Head of Online and Blended Learning

Head of Didactics and Learning Technologies Sub-Commission

Prodekanin Study Experience, Evaluation & Didactics
