
Brand Experiences beyond the magazine

Competition between fashion and lifestyle magazines is huge. Digital editorials and online blogs have disrupted the market and magazines are now having to re-evaluate their customer approach. Cosmopolitan, like many of its competitors, is looking for ways to deepen brand loyalty beyond editorial offerings. Macromedia students spent a semester working with Cosmopolitan evaluating ways they could accomplish this.

Innovative brand experience beyond print

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. Castulus Kolo and Prof. Dr. Florian Haumer, twenty Macromedia Master’s students on our Munich Campus worked on innovative ideas for bringing brand experience past the pages of physical magazines. They first did a deep-dive market and competitor analysis before the conception of their plans and finally presentation of how to implementing their ideas.

Cosmopolitan Treasure Hunt: Multi-Channel Solution Connects Point of Sale with AR

The end result was the suggestion of a “Cosmopolitan Treasure Hunt”. The recommendation was a multi-channel solution that combined pioneering AR techniques with conventional retail and shopping. The accompanying staging included the opening of a pop-up store, an all-in-one app, AR Games, discount codes, and more.

To create value they put the gamification factor in the foreground, which – comparable to the game Pokémon Go! – sweetened the traditional retail trade with discount code ‘treasure hunts’.

Client feedback: Macromedia students delight Cosmopolitan

The reaction of Cosmopolitan was very positive. The feedback was consistently enthusiastic. Several student ideas have found their way into the customer loyalty program.

Practical projects as career starters

Macromedia student, Katrin Possberg, is proof that practical client project work can lead to career opportunities.  Upon completion of this collaborative project, Katrin was recruited to work at Cosmopolitan for the remainder of her studies and to start as a junior manager at Bauer Style & Luxury KG after graduation. How this came about, she tells in this interview:

(IMH, translation by Rosie Hall)

Practice partner