Certainly one of the most important tasks of a business strategist: the conception of a new brand including the elaboration of a market launch and marketing strategy, the definition of brand values, the design of logo and brand world.
Premium brand for the B2C segment
Master students from the Campus Cologne were allowed to perform this great task for the company Quality India Tours. The premium provider for individual tours in Asia has so far sold its services exclusively via German tour operators. With the development of a new brand, it aims to position itself in the B2C segment and sell its exclusive tours directly to end customers.
Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ingo Markgraf, the students approached this complex task in four teams. They drafted, researched, developed and designed:
Invitation to India: Final Presentation and Incentives
How did the customer react to the student ideas?
Enthusiastic and appreciative. The entire Macromedia course was allowed to spend a week in India at the invitation of the travel entrepreneurs. In addition to the final presentation on site, the owners of Quality India Tours organised a wonderful sightseeing programme for the Cologne students.
We say: thank you and good luck, Asian Exclusive Travel.