
Macromedia University Publications

Macromedia University promotes the willingness of professors and research assistants for scientific publications; this is to serve the exchange of lecturers with the scientific community as well as the enlargement of the network. To this end, it is also planned to honor the college by awarding rewards. Scientific publications are understood to be publications, e.g. in journals, which are subject to the double-blind peer-review procedure customary in science.


Yanardağoğlu, E., & Ercan Bilgiç, E. (2024). How the Pandemic Shaped the Digital Skills of Journalists in Turkey. Journalism Practice, 1–19.


Yanardağoğlu, E (2021) The Transformation of the Media System in Turkey: Citizenship, Communication and Convergence. London:Palgrave.


Haumer, F., Kolo,C., & Reiners, S. (2020): The Impact of Augmented Reality Experiential Marketing on Brand Equity and Purchase Intention. Journal of Brand Strategy, 8(4), 1-19.
Horky, T. (2020). No sports, no spectators – no media, no money? The importance of spectators and broadcasting for professional sports during COVID-19. Soccer & Society, Online first, DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2020.1790358.
Jóri, A. & Lücke, M. (2020). Introduction. In A. Jóri & M. Lücke. (Eds.), The New Age of Electronic Dance Music and Club Culture (1-5). Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-030-39001-3.
Jóri, A. & Lücke, M. (Eds.). (2020). The New Age of Electronic Dance Music and Club Culture. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-030-39001-3.
Kolo, C. (2020): Social Media Celebrities as Digital Media Entrepreneurs: Capturing an Emergent Phenomenon. Special Issue Digital Media Entrepreneurship in the Creative and Cultural Industries: Dimensions, Dilemmas, Dynamics. Journal of Creative Industry Studies, 4, 16-37.
Lücke, M. (2020). Club Culture and Electronic Dance Music in Berlin: An Economic, Social, and Aesthetical Perspective. In A. Jóri & M. Lücke. (Eds.). The New Age of Electronic Dance Music and Club Culture (55-62). Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-030-39001-3.
Pakura, S., & Rudeloff, C. (2020). How entrepreneurs build brands and reputation with social me-dia PR: empirical insights from start-ups in Germany. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneur-ship, 1-28.
Pompino, M., & Sievert, H. (2020): Connecting Intercultural Communication and Diversity Theory with PR Practice. Theoretical Remarks and Results of a Picture-Based Content Analysis of 25 Corporate Websites on Five Continents. In Birmingham, Branden/Yook, Bora/Zifei, Fay Chen (Hrsg.): Connecting Theory and Research with Public Relations Practice (S. 421-437). Miami/FL: University of Miami.
Schulte-Holthaus, S., & Kuckertz, A. (2020). Passion, Performance, and Concordance in Rock ‘n’ Roll Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, forthcoming. DOI 10.1108/IJEBR-02-2020-0067.
Yanardağoğlu E., Turhallı N. (2020) From TRT to Netflix: Implications of Convergence for Television Dramas in Turkey. In: Kaptan Y., Algan E. (eds) Television in Turkey. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 189-204.
Yanardağoğlu, E (2020) “I stopped reading newspapers because of the internet!”: News consumption behaviour of youth in Greece and Turkey” Journal of Digital Media and Policy. Published Fastrack.
Yanardagoglu, E (2020) “Just the way my generation reads the news”: News Consumption habits of youth in Turkey and the UK”, Global Media and Communication,Sage .


Bischof, C., & Ellert, G. (2019). The Storage Of Sponsorship Measures At Sports Events – Eye-tracking Implicit Perception Selections And Explicit Processing During The Handball World Championship 2019. In B. Carlsson & T. Breitbarth (Eds.). The 27th European Sport Management Conference, September 3-6, September 2019, Seville, Spain, Connecting Sport Science & Practise, Book of Abstracts. Seville University (e- print).
Bouncken, R.B., Barwinski, R.W., & Pampel, J.R. (2019). Linkage in 3D Printing Ecosytems. PICMET ’19 Conference “Technology Management in the World of Intelligent Systems”, conference proceedings, August 25 – 29, 2019
Graefe, A. (2019). Accuracy of German federal election forecasts, 2013 & 2017. International Journal of Forecasting, 35(3), 868-877.
Graefe, A., & Ellert, G. (2019). Good referees are not nice. Personality effects on football referee decision-making. In J.L. Duda (Ed.), 24th Annual International Congress of the European Collage of Sport Science. Uniting the world through sport science; 3-6 July 2019, Prague Czech Rebublic, Book of Abstracts. Prague: ECSS Carles University (e- print).
Graefe, A., & Ellert, G. (2019). Influence of expertise and game time on football referee decisions. In J.L. Duda (Ed.), 24th Annual International Congress of the European Collage of Sport Science. Uniting the world through sport science; 3-6 July 2019, Prague Czech Rebublic, Book of Abstracts. Prague: ECSS Carles University (e- print).
Graefe, A., Bauer, A., & Ellert, G. (2019). When Referees See Red: Decision Accuracy of Football Referees. In B. Carlsson & T. Breitbarth (Eds.), The 27th European Sport Management Conference, September 3-6, September 2019, Seville, Spain, Connecting Sport Science & Practise, Book of Abstracts. Seville University (e- print).
Graefe, A., Green, K. C., & Armstrong, J. S. (2019). Accuracy gains from conservative forecasting: Tests using variations of 19 econometric models to predict 154 elections in 10 countries. PloS one, 14(1), e0209850.
Hahn, D., Degen, M., & Spiller, R. (2019): How CEOs from Europe and the US communicate via Twitter, In I.E. Chiluwa & G. Bouvier (Eds.), Twitter: Global Perspectives, Uses and Criticisms (S.143-166). NOVA Science, New York, USA.
Haumer, F., Schlicker, L., & Kolo, C. (2019). The effects of message tailoring on the motivation for change in different phases of an employee`s change journey. European Media Managament Association (EMMA) 2019, Cyprus.
Hebbel-Seeger, A., & Diesch, A. (2019). Pattern while watching 360° videos. On the receptionof immersive commercials. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, 5(1), 35-49.
Hebbel-Seeger, A., & Horky, T. (2019). Sports Communication in 2020: Patterns, Trends, and Crystal-Ball Gazing. In G. G. Armfield, J. McGuire, & A. Earnheardt (Eds.), ESPN and the Changing Sports Media Landscape. (pp. 337-356) New York: Peter Lang.
Hestermann, T., & Hoven, E. (2019). Crime in Germany as Portrayed by the Alternative for Germany (AfD). German Law Journal 21(4), 721–738.
Horky, T., Baranovskaa, M., Grimmer, C.G., Jakubowska, H., & Stelzner, B. (2019). Television Sport Journalism at the UEFA Euro 2016 Championships: A Comparison of Live Commentary From Four Countries. International Journal of Sport Communication, 12(2), 234-259.
Jerschl, L., & Ellert, G. (2019). E-Sports as a Sponsorship Platform. In B. Carlsson & T. Breitbarth (Eds.), The 27th European Sport Management Conference, September 3-6, September 2019, Seville, Spain, Connecting Sport Science & Practise, Book of Abstracts. Seville University (e- print).
Kolo, C. (2019). Strategic challenges of newspaper publishing in an international perspective. News Paper Research Journal, 40(2).
Kolo, C., & Haumer, F. (2019). Social media celebrities as brand influencers in brand Communication. An Empirical Study on Influencer Content, its Advertising Relevance, and Audience Expectations. Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing, 6(3), 273-282.
Kolo, C., & Lüst, N. (2019). From gamer personality via motivation to game choice – Typifying gamers and games based on survey data. JGVW 11(2), 139–159.
Mierzejewska, B., & Kolo, C. (2019). Economics of Information and Cultural Goods. In A. Albarran (Ed.), Handbook on Current Research Issues in Media Economics (pp. 77-102). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.
Mütterlein, J., & Fuchs, C. (2019). Digital Technologies and Their Influence on Spaces. Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Xi’an, China, July, paper 420.
Mütterlein, J., Kunz, R. E., & Baier, D. (2019). Effects of Lead-Usership on the Acceptance of Media Innovations: A Mobile Augmented Reality Case. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, (145), 113-124.
Mütterlein, J., Thürmel, V., & Hess, T. (2019). Making Sense of Digital Innovations: The Role of the Material Artefact. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, December, paper 2322.
Paul, S., & Spiller, R. (2019): Social web-induced changes in protest culture. A model of an ad-hoc public counter-discourse based on the case of the controversy surrounding #Aufschrei (#outrage). Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies (special issue on Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era), 47-60.
Rothenbacher, F., & Ellert, G. (2019). Hidden Business Models in Sportsorganisations. In B. Carlsson & T. Breitbarth (Eds.), The 27th European Sport Management Conference, September 3-6, September 2019, Seville, Spain, Connecting Sport Science & Practise, Book of Abstracts. Seville University (e- print).
Santoro, T. (2019). Facing No, Vol.2: Introduction to the Intercultural Business Communication Competence and International. Intercultural Conflict Management Postulate Inventory. New York, NY: Author.
Schmidtpeter, J., & Ellert, G. (2019). Sponsorship activation decision framework – a critical analysis. In B. Carlsson & T. Breitbarth (Eds.), The 27th European Sport Management Conference, September 3-6, September 2019, Seville, Spain, Connecting Sport Science & Practise, Book of Abstracts. Seville University (e- print).
Schoen, F., & Ellert, G. (2019). Cognitive Biases in Management Decisions in Sport Sponsoring. In B. Carlsson & T. Breitbarth (Eds.), The 27th European Sport Management Conference, September 3-6, September 2019, Seville, Spain, Connecting Sport Science & Practise, Book of Abstracts. Seville University (e- print).
Schönberner, J., Woratschek, H., & Ellert, G. (2019). Hidden Agenda in Sport Sponsorship Decisions. International Journal of Sport Management Review.
Schönberner, J., Woratschek, H., & Ellert, G. (2019). How are Sport Sponsorship Decisions Made? – Revealing a Hidden Agenda in Managers’ Decision-Making. Book of Abstracts. WASM 3rdConference 2019 Santiago de Chile Open Publishing [e-print].
Schönberner, J., Woratschek, H., & Ellert, G. (2019). Sponsorship Decisions – Are Managers Honest with Shareholders?. Sport Management Academ, 6. ttps://
Schönberner, J., Woratschek, H., Ellert, G., & Buser, M. (2019). Sport Sponsorship Decisions – The Influence of Managers’ Personal Objectives on Sponsorship Decision-Making. The 27th SMAANZ Conference, December 2019. Book of Abstracts, 64, University (e- print).
Schulte-Holthaus, S. (2019). Passion and Performance in Entrepreneurial Contexts: An Interest-based Approach. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, forthcoming.
Sievert, H., & Wilke, A. (2019). Emotionality and Attitude in International Internal Communications. Quantitative Measurement, Evaluation and Interpretation of a Worldwide Internal PR Program within a Large Multinational Tourism Group. In Yook, Bora/Chen, Ziffer Fay (eds.). Research that Matters to the Profession: Issues in Measurement, Evaluation, and Interpretation of Public Relations Campaigns and Programs – Theory, Method, Cases (pp. 400-409). University of Miami.
Yanardağoğlu, E (2019) “The Media and Media Policy”, in Özerdem, Alp. And Whiting Matthew. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Turkish Politics. London: Routledge


Barta, S., & Stoklossa, U. (2018). Without Design It’s Just A Lump of Gold: Future Developments in Design as Luxury. In D. Dominik & C. Vaih-Baur, (Hrsg.), Luxus als Distinktionsstrategie: Kommunikation in der internationalen Luxus- und Fashionindustrie (S. 317-346). Springer Gabler.
Betsch, C., Rossmann, C., Pletz, M. W., Vollmar, H. C., Freytag, A., Wichmann, O., Hanke, R. et al. (2018). Increasing Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccine Uptake in the Elderly: Study Protocol for the Multi-Methods Prospective Intervention Study Vaccination60’. BMC Public Health 18, no. 1: 885.
Bildgen, L., & Breidenich, C. (2018). The Creative Potential of the Avant-garde – Inspirations from Modern Art and Postmodernism for Graphic and Communication Design. In O. Moret (Ed.), The 2018 Conference of the International Committee on Design History and Design Studies. Barcelona, Spain.
Breidenich, C., Hilgers-Yilmaz, U., & Spiller, R.(2018). 2,000 years of visual storytelling – Alternative approaches for visual communication of Christian churches in the age of social media. In S. Bowman, A. Crookes, O. Ihlen & S. Romenti. Public Relations and the Power of Creativity, Strategic Opportunities, Innovation and Critical Challenges (S. 163-184), Emerald Publishing, UK.
Graefe, A. (2018). Predicting elections: Experts, polls, and fundamentals. Judgment and Decision Making, 13(4), 334-344.
Graefe, A., Haim, M., Haarmann, B., & Brosius, H. B. (2018). Readers’ perception of computer-generated news: Credibility, expertise, and readability. Journalism, 19(5), 595-610.
Green, K. C., Graefe, A. & Armstrong, J. S. (2018). Testing the Predictive Validity of Multiple Regression Analysis. International Symposium on Forecasting, Boulder, CO, USA.
Grimmer, C.G., & Horky, T. (2018). Twitter and sports journalism in Germany: Application and networks during the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 10(6), 65-77, DOI: 10.5897/JMCS2017.0596x.
Haumer, F., Renner, K., & Kolo, C. (2018). Effects of Augmented Reality in Soccer Broadcasting on Viewing Experiences: An Experimental Study on the Differences of Sports Experts vs. Laymen. In B. Carlsoon & T. Breitbarth (Eds.), The 26th European Sport Management Conference, September 5-8, 2018, Malmö, Sweden (pp. 231-232).
Hebbel-Seeger, A., & Horky, T. (2018). Drones in Academic Apprenticeship. Regarding to Expectations and Consequences for an Up-To-Date Education in Sports Journalism and Media Management. Athens Journal of Sports, 5(4), 279-292. DOI: 10.30958/ajspo/v5i4
Hestermann, T. (2018). Refugees and Migrants in the Media: The Black Hole. In H. Kury & S. Redo (Eds.), Refugees and Migrants in Law and Policy. Challenges and Opportunities for Global Civic Education (pp. 125-136). Springer International, Cham, Schweiz.
Holzleitner, F., & Ellert, G. (2018). Model of Athlete-Target Fit (MATF). In B. Carlsson, T. Breitbarth & D. Bjärsholm (Eds.), The 26th European Sport Management Conference, September 5-8, 2018, Malmö, Sweden, Managing Sport in a Changing Europe, Book of Abstracts. Malmö: Malmö University (e- print).
Kolo, C., & Christensen, A. (2018). The potential role of newspaper publishers in a “smart city’s” mediascape. International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA). Annual Conference 2018, Stuttgart.
Kolo, C., & Haumer, F. (2018). Classifying social media “influencer” in brand communication. A systematic approach on motives to post and consume based on survey data. Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing, 6(3), 1–10.
Kolo, C., & Haumer, F. (2018). Current Media Management Education in International Perspective. Comparative Content Analysis of Study Programs across Globally Leading Academic Institutions. International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA). Annual Conference 2018, Stuttgart.
Salm, F., Schneider, S., Schmücker, K., Petruschke, I., Kramer, T. S., Hanke, R., Schröder, C., et al. (2018). Antibiotic Prescribing Behavior among General Practitioners – a Questionnaire-Based Study in Germany. BMC Infectious Diseases 18, no. 1: 208.
Spiller, R., & Breidenich, C. & Hilgers-Yilmaz U. (2018). Visual Rhetoric of the Islamic State (IS): Persuasion in the field of terror. In I. Saleh & T. Knieper (Eds.), The Visual Politics of War, Volume Two: Truth and Lies of Soft Power. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle (UK).
Wawrzinek, D., & Ellert, G. (2018). What’s the Purpose of Higher Education? Proposing Meso-Level Operationalizable Superordinate Strategic Goals for Higher Education and Developing the Higher Education Strategy Model and Metrics (HESM&M). In G.T. Papanikos (Ed.), 2nd Annual International Symposium on Higher Education in a Global World 9-12 July 2018 Athens, Greece, Book of Abstracts. Athen: THE ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (e- print).


Wawrzinek, D., Ellert, G., Germelmann, C.C. (2017). What’s the Purpose of Higher Education?: Proposing Meso-Level Operationalizable Superordinate Strategic Goals for Higher Education Developing the Higher Education Strategy Model and Metrics (HESM & M). Journal of Education and Development, Vol.1, No. 1, pp.12-23.
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