Are you fascinated by the possibilities that eCommerce and eBusiness bring with them? Then the Digital Media Master is just the right thing for you. Immerse yourself in the world of technical innovations and lay the foundation for your career in the digital age.
State-recognised and accredited degree
4 semesters: 120 ECTS
3 semesters: 90 ECTS
Summer semester: 15 Mar
Winter semester: 01 Oct
Summer semester: 15 Mar
Winter semester: 01 Oct
Bachelor’s degree with 210 ECTS (3-semester programme) or 180 ECTS (4-semester programme)
Tuition fees per semester
€ 6,840 • Berlin
€ 5,500 • Munich
+ Registration fee
€ 699
The digital world is transforming our working and living environments across all sectors. Comprehensive broadband data networks and mobile devices are revolutionising our lifestyle and creating entirely new business models – for example in the travel industry, music sales, or in cashless payment.