Seit dem 1.2.2020 bekleidet Prof. Dr. Dr. Castulus Kolo das Amt des Hochschulpräsidenten an der Hochschule Macromedia.
Der Fakultät der privaten Hochschule gehört Kolo seit 2007 an, als er auf eine Professur für Medienmanagement am Stuttgarter Campus der Hochschule Macromedia berufen wurde. Bereits im darauffolgenden Jahr wurde ihm die bundesweite Leitung dieses bis heute erfolgreichsten Macromedia-Studiengangs übertragen.
PublikationenFakultät Kultur, Medien, Psychologie
Haumer, Florian, Kolo, Castulus, Roth, Alexander, & Schwarz, Rafael: Influencers and their motivations to create content: A qualitative typology based on an international survey.
DetailsRoth, Alexander, Kunz, Reinard E., & Kolo, Castulus: The players’ perspective of value co-creation in esports service ecosystems.
DetailsHellriegel, O. T.; Kolo, C.: CEO Communication in Social Media: Application of the ABC Social Media Impact Analysis and a New Communication Typology of Company Leaders
DetailsKolo, Castulus, Haumer, Florian, & Roth, Alexander: Formal Professionalization of Early-stage Social Media “Influencers” - Attitudinal Drivers and Their Relation to Personality Traits
DetailsFischer, Tasja-Selina, Kolo, Castulus, & Mothes, Cornelia: Political Influencers on YouTube: Business Strategies and Content Characteristics
DetailsKolo, C., Mütterlein, J., & Schmid, S. A.: Believing Journalists, AI, or Fake News: The Role of Trust in Media
DetailsHaumer, F., & Kolo, C.: Sustainability and Urban "Mediascapes". The Impact of Smart City Tehnologies on Journalism
DetailsHaumer, F., Schlicker, L., Murschetz, P.C., & Kolo, C.: Tailor the message and change will happen? An experimental study of message tailoring as an effective communication strategy for organizational change
DetailsKolo, C., & Haumer, F.: Geschäftsmodellinnovationen traditioneller Medienunternehmen in Zeiten von Social Media und Plattformökonomie
DetailsKolo, C., & Haumer, F.: Technological advances and the future of corporate and marketing communication - An international foresight study among experts from different professional backgrounds
DetailsKolo, C., Kunz, R., & Roth, A.: Elektronischer Sport („E-Sport“) – ein aufstrebender Wirtschaftszweig in der Medienbranche
DetailsKolo, C., Mierzejewska, B., Haumer, F., Roepnack, A., Schmidt, C., & Luo, A.: Teaching Media Management in International Perspective: A Comparative Content Analysis of Curricula in the US and Germany
DetailsHaumer, F., Kolo, C. & Reiners, S.: The Impact of Augmented Reality Experiential Marketing on Brand Equity and Purchase Intention
DetailsHellriegel, O. T.; Kolo, C.: CEO Communication in Social Media: Derivation and Pilot Application of a Methodology Based on "Audience," "Buzz," and "Commitment" ("Social Media ABC Analysis")
DetailsKolo, C., Christensen, A., Qiu, Q.Q., & Raia, C.: Smart cities and their “mediascape” – A future perspective for local newspaper publishers
DetailsKolo, C. & Haumer, F.: Social media celebrities as brand influencers in brand Communication. An Empirical Study on Influencer Content, its Advertising Relevance, and Audience Expectations
DetailsKolo, C. & Lüst, N.: From gamer personality via motivation to game choice - Typifying gamers and games based on survey data
DetailsHaumer, F., Renner, K. & Kolo, C.: Effects of Augmented Reality in Soccer Broadcasting on Viewing Experiences: An Experimental Study on the Differences of Sports Experts vs. Laymen
DetailsKolo, C. & Haumer, F.: Classifying social media “influencer” in brand communication. A systematic approach on motives to post and consume based on survey data
DetailsKolo, C. & Weichert, S.: Germany: Evaluating Alternatives to Finance Quality Journalism